Thursday, August 20, 2009

Journal Entry No. 6 - #2

The most striking scene in the movie is when big ice is melting. I feel sad and I am shock for what happened. I realized that people destroys the earth without knowing it. I will throw my garbage in trashcans. I will not throw it anywhere.

Journal Entry No. 5 - #1

Sunday Monday-Saturday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
5:00 am-5:30 am sleeping breakfast time breakfast time breakfast time breakfast time breakfast time breakfast time
5:30 am-5:45 am sleeping taking a bath taking a bath taking a bath taking a bath taking a bath taking a bath
5:45 am-6:15 am going to mass going to school going to school going to school going to school going to school going to school
6:15 am-7:00 am sleeping chatting w/ classmates chatting w/ classmates chatting w/ classmates chatting w/ classmates chatting w/ classmates chatting w/ classmates
7:00 am-11:30 am random class hours class hours class hours class hours class hours class hours
11:30 am-12:00 pm random lunch time lunch time lunch time lunch time lunch time lunch time
12:00 pm-3:00 pm eating and watching TV playing w/ my classmates playing w/ my classmates playing w/ my classmates playing w/ my classmates playing w/ my classmates playing w/ my classmates
3:00 pm-3:15 pm random going home going home going home going home going home going home
3:15 pm-5:00 pm random resting resting resting resting resting resting
5:00 pm-7:00 pm random doing assignments doing assignments doing assignments doing assignments doing assignments doing assignments
7:00 pm-7:30 pm random dinner time dinner time dinner time dinner time dinner time dinner time
7:30 pm-9:00 pm random random random random random random random
9:00 pm-5:00 am sleeping sleeping sleeping sleeping sleeping sleeping sleeping

Journal Entry No. 4

I feel that my positive characteristics is that it not enough to treat people that "good way". I have my negative traits that I can't control.

If I give wrong answers to the teachers, I like to be treated in a good way. I want that people know the answer will not laugh at me because it is bad. I will not also laugh at them when they will give wrong answers.

When I am giving opinion in a group, I want them to listen to me because I will also listen to them if they have an opinion.

When I am giving suggestions, I want them also to listen to me.

When I commit mistakes, correct my wrong doings and I will also help you.

I will tell that I do not like the one they are telling me to do in a "nice way".

I will listen to their comments and improve myself.

I will respect the people in MCL, but not only in MCL. I will not laugh at them when they commit mistakes or they are looking funny.

Journal Entry No. 10

My unforgettable bad experience is when my friends told me to drink beer and hangout but we have an exam. I don't go with them cause I want to get high scores. That's the reason why my parents send me to school to study hard and not to be a bad boy. I know that drinking beer with my friends but my studies are important to me because I want my life to be success. I realize that being in a bad action can cause you much trouble.

Journal Entry No. 9

A responsible person for me is a person doing his job at the right time. A responsible person is doing his/ her job properly.
My responsibilities in our house is to be a good boy and be a good cousin. my also responsibilities in our house is to do household chores like washing the dishes. Also to study hard so that our money will not be wasted. My responsibility in our community is be a good citizen and a good friend. And also do community service.

Journal Entry No. 8

I chose to avoid cheating. In my past life, I used to cheat during our exams, quizzes and seat works and even home works. I am trying myself to challenged my self not to cheat. I am proud that I can partially passed a seatwork without cheating. All you have to do is to review very well and do your best. I will do my best not to cheat in our every exams or seatworks.

Journal Entry No. 7

I have a slight healthy lifestyle. I am eating a balance diet like I am eating fish, vegetables, and meats. I am eating 3x a day. I do not smoke because its bad for our body and my relatives will be angry at me. I do not also taking drugs and I will never take drugs or any bad drugs.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Journal Entry No. 6

I challenged myself to get high scores in all the subjects that I am taking like in seatworks, homeworks, quizzes and exams. I tried my best to get high scores in all of that. I partially beat the challenged. I am very happy that I can get high scores in all the subjects if I study hard and do my best. I learned from the challenged that if I review my lessons and be patient to study, I can get high scores.

Journal Entry No. 5 - #2

The Most Challenging Thing I have Accomplished
The most challenging thing that I have accomplished is by graduating in High School. It is the mot challenging thing I ever have because we know that many people did not finished high school because they did not study well and they are doing bad things cause by peer pressure. I accomplished high school because I overcome bad things that are coming in my way. I study hard and I do my best to graduate so that is the most challenging I accomplished for me.