Thursday, August 20, 2009

Journal Entry No. 4

I feel that my positive characteristics is that it not enough to treat people that "good way". I have my negative traits that I can't control.

If I give wrong answers to the teachers, I like to be treated in a good way. I want that people know the answer will not laugh at me because it is bad. I will not also laugh at them when they will give wrong answers.

When I am giving opinion in a group, I want them to listen to me because I will also listen to them if they have an opinion.

When I am giving suggestions, I want them also to listen to me.

When I commit mistakes, correct my wrong doings and I will also help you.

I will tell that I do not like the one they are telling me to do in a "nice way".

I will listen to their comments and improve myself.

I will respect the people in MCL, but not only in MCL. I will not laugh at them when they commit mistakes or they are looking funny.

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